4 Unique decks, 4 Styles, 1 Story, 1 Frankenstein. A new kind of series playing cards can combine.
Playing cards about the lifetime contract between you & your cat. Inspired by the Koga-Ryu Ninja & my lovely cat Benben
A deck that makes you uncomfortable to use. Perfect gift for your cardist/Magician/Gambler friends try to be the worst deck ever
Nicknamed the "Faithful Dog" in Japan!!! Who can refuse Akita Innu playing cards
Cupid Themed Playing Cards with Gaff Pack & Magic Tutorial for your love one Deck & tricks for your Valentine's Day & White Day.
Inspired by the Japanese Winter Cultural Festival. Caricature Art - Limited Chances to put your face on the courts' cards
Cthulhu-themed playing cards with a book alike designed tuck box & Deck that can puzzle. Inspired by H. P. Lovecraft, Two versions
A Tiger-themed Playing Cards. The first deck of the Untamed Collection
251 backers pledged HK$ 180,060 to help bring this project to life. An experimental playing cards project to Split the Universe. Inspired by the Schrödinger's Cat. First Vertical Maglev Deck Display
248 backers pledged HK$ 114,741 to help bring this project to life. Inspired by the Japanese cultural festival - Matsuri To the comfort, prayer, show gratitude to the ritual of Nature & gift from God
49 backers pledged HK$ 27,107 to help bring this project to life. A combination of a Party game Ultra Werewolf and Waterproof and Anti-folding Playing cards And Limited Enamel Pin of all 27 characters